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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

see, i'm lucky, at home.

Amusing. At my "secret" at home job for a large company, it feels similar to a fat umbilicar cord between my belly button and my computer/phone, when scheculed. The one time I don't feel that is, when we have team meetings, perhaps every two weeks. Our meetings take an hour to two and we normally listen to a team supevisor. My phone blinks to speaker, when everyone says 'hi', I yell 'hello!' as loud as I can. No mistaking that Sheila is aboard. Then, the meeting is underway. Surprisngly, on my advanced phone, there's not a mute button so I put the phone in it's appropriate cradle, lift myself from my desk, and begin to tip toe, softly, quietly.

There are a number of tasks I can accomplish during these meetings. Like changing from my pajama's to a day outfit. Or closing the bathroom door, without a sound, I pee into the toilet and pray that I won't be summoned to answer a question I really can't hear. Or worse - that other at home agents would ask themselves, that's shameful? Somebody is urinating.

Isn't that funny?

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