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Friday, April 29, 2011

see, i'm, ahem, lucky?

Logging into work at five am has required adjustments. For example, since I've returned to Chicago, it means adjusting to loud/intoxicated people, yelling without abandon, on my nice Lakeview street at 3 am. I'm usually typing and thinking, "Yuck, I'm glad those days are over. But I hope they have fun!"

So yesterday, I had an appointment at at a hospital, literally around the corner from me, at 4 am. With my new Yoga breaths, I went pee and pulled down the lid, per usual. I thought about Mother Earth before I turned off the main light, per usual. I placed the whistle, hung securely from my neck, between my lips (ready position because of darkness)and locked the door behind me.

I returned to my apartment after the appointment, at sunrise, and opened my door. I know. Somebody turned my light on. The whistle went back between my lips - the toilet lid was up. Angrily I yelled, "Where are you, where are you, I. know. you're. here." I searched high and low, including the inside of my stove. I finally settled down.

But wouldn't you, also - be freaked?

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