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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Current Essay Research Led to This on, Chicago Palmer House (wow!)

1673 Discovery of Chicago.
1850 Steam and hydraulic elevators are introduced.
1861 The Civil War begins.
1871 Opening of the original Palmer House Hotel and the Great Chicago Fire.
1872 Palmer builds a second Palmer House across the street from the original site.
1876 Bell invents the phone.
1879 Edison exhibits his light bulb; Twain entertains at a banquet for Grant at the Palmer House.
1882 Edison develops and installs the world's first large central electric power station.
1885 Chicago's first skyscraper is completed.
1900 The flow of Chicago River is reversed.
1903 The Wright Brothers introduce the first gas-motored and manned airplane.
1914 World War I begins.
1925 The Palmer House is torn down and rebuilt on the same site.
1929 Stock market crashes.
1930 The Great Depression begins.
1933 World's Fair in Chicago; Palmer House opens the “Gas Light Club”
1935 Residential circuit breaker panels are introduced.
1941 The United States enters World War II.
1942 Commercial TV is first broadcast.
1945 Hilton buys the Palmer House for $20 million.

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