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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Ambition Made Clear

On average, I write seven to 12 hours a day for the last, I'd guess, over ten years.  It requires time, learning and lots more time.  But, I've found not really separate from, and regarding my daily Blog, Nathan Bransford had this link, that I at least needed, yesterday:
Tribal Writerbecause you're a creative badass, should you be blogging to help your writing career (or is it a big waste of time)?
So lucky, so many outrageously super writer centered blogs for me to understand. Sheer gratitude rained from my pores, especially after I read Tribal Writer.  Day off and my present goal is to edit four pages.  See?  All I do is edit three to four pages my day off?  The life of a writer, butt in chair and at night time I'll elevate my feet in air.

This is it.  I'm editing/finishing a memoir which will reach lit agents in several months and at the same time, for every 75 rejections, a cool magazine/publication will offer my byline.  Hey!  If you throw enough mud against the wall, doesn't it like, stick, or something?  yes, ?

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