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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Laugh out loud, yes, I concierge-d.

The right half of my body, being required to carry the left half, resulted in a marked limp that I tried to cover up by offering an impression of a dramatic walk style.  I limped/walked into the Chicago Hilton Hotel and that’s where I first saw a concierge desk.  The people at the desk looked like they could work, but only if they wanted to.

For a while, until the hotel’s got wind of me, I got every concierge job I interviewed for.

“If we decide to hire you, when can you start?”  A hotel manager asked.

Perfectly postured and on the edge of my seat I yelled, “Oh, I love this place!  I can start anytime!”  I thought hard to remember the name of the hotel where I sat.  “Yes, this is a wonderful hotel!”

The manager adjusted his tie.

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