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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Food Poisoned at IHOP

I happen to know that before noon Friday until now, I was food poisoned by the Original House of Pancakes at 3700 North Broadway.  For up to a 14 hour stretch, I puked my stomach contents and then my guts, not into a toilet, no time, rather, into a bedside bucket that's too gross to clean now, so I'll pitch it.  Oh, I could go into specifics but, you perhaps get my drift.  It was horrid.

A law suit against IHOP is a splendid idea and/but it would cost much time and time is money.  I lost work and writing time/money and considering my dehydration and unintended food strike, I surely don't feel cool and creative today either.  But relative to my dining companion, we ordered the exact same dish, my time is nothing.  365 days a year?  Make it 363 for us.  Even when I had bed bugs I thought, "It could be worse."  Now I see what "worse" feels like!  Vertigo, I get at times, not as bad.  Years ago, when I drank alcohol and threw up, not as bad.

Yet for some reason, with my current job, several times, for different reasons, a customer claimed they had food poisoning. I thought they made it up, thought that food poisoning was all in their head.  Is this karma then?

Have you ever been food poisoned?

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